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Our Network-State

Build | Your | Way

download: Our Network-State.pdf

Alkebulan Network-State Logo

The defining values and attributes of Alkebulan Network-State.

Our Network-State is:

● advancing ሐሺማ Hashima, self-respect.

● connecting peoples of various ages and stages of development, in inter-generational learning, stewardship, repair-healing, regeneration, transformation and self-realisation.  Taking on the principled responsibility to protect and teach others to protect our space; ግዛት gzat.

● gathered around a recognised founding pedagogy (framework of educating and learning); የጥምር ፡ ዕውቀት ። Yeht’mr Urwuk’eht, Unifiedknowledge, a body of learning principles, processes and protocols; originating and working from an African place of being. Unifiedknowledge is STEAM’d uP Learning, that’s STEM + the Arts;

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Maths +
  • the Arts

from an African place of being.

● engaged in face-to-face (in-person) levels of civility, quality communications and amicable/cooperative internal negotiations.

● a learners’ network and social network with a clear ethical and moral innovation – “Maat”; our Network-State’s ethical philosophy which originates from the Nile Valley civilisations of ancient Africa.

● nurturing a future-proof capacity for collective action for the advancement of the common good and resilience.

● an expression of consensual governance processes agreeably constrained and empowered by web3/DLT contracts of code (social “smart contracts”) and protocols (such as the underlying Cosmos-Tendermint Web3 consensus engine).

● a collective with a sense of trans-national consciousness that expresses many cultural synergies and deep communal empathy; citizens with each other, citizens with the whole.

● an archipelago of “physical territories” firstly existing as the bodies of our voluntary and freely aligned sovereign citizens, as persons, and extending into family, community and nationally networked territories of land/soil, air and mind (see ግዛት Gzat) whereby we exert meaningful influence, custodianship and responsibility for the common good.

● decentralised yet having a core body of indestructible virtual capitals/nexus points (meta-geographic), within the Alkebulan Metaverse.

● a web3/cryptoassets integrated ecosystem designed to enhance the flow of value within and around our Network-State and beyond.

● a self-expressing, self-harmonising, on-chain (DLT) reflected and validated, dynamic census that proves our population size, income, and real-estate footprint (in both geographic and meta-geographic locations), maintaining globally meaningful measures of diplomatic recognition from other states and trans-national entities.

● advances the Language of Universal Cooperation necessary for our citizens as they build deep insight into the Web6 Functions and develop their personal and collective capacity for global land/soil stewardship.

Values & Attributes

Further reading on network-state development.